We ship through registered courier companies for orders within India and through DHL Express/FedEx/Aramex for international orders.
Shipping is free within India for prepaid orders.
For international orders, we charge standard shipping charges starting from INR 1500 and going upto INR 5000 per product as per location, weight and volume of the shipment.
Duties & Taxes for international orders are not included in your order and are over and above any shipping and handling charges paid at checkout. Most countries charge duties on imported items which are levied at the time of port entry, and they vary based on the destination country and the products imported. You will need to pay the applicable duties and taxes directly to the shipping agency (DHL, FedEx, Aramex etc.) at the time of your order delivery after you receive an invoice by the shipping agent.
All prices mentioned on the website are inclusive of Indian GST.
All orders are processed from our own warehouse/workshop in Delhi, India. Orders will be delivered to the shipping address mentioned at checkout.
Orders that have been processed and shipped can be tracked using the consignment/tracking number on the shipping agency’s website. Once your order is shipped, we will mail you your tracking number along with information about the shipping agency.
In the event of Non-Availability on Delivery, our delivery partners will attempt to deliver the package three times before they return it to us. Please provide the complete & accurate shipping address including zip code and a mobile number. This will help us in delivering your order faster.
Please note that in case of international orders, if a customer is not available for delivery, the shipping company (DHL, Aramex or Fedex) can hold the shipment for no more than 7 working days. After the lapse of these 7 working days, the shipment will automatically return to us in India. To receive the shipment back in India, there would be considerable amount of duty/tax involved on the return shipment varying between 30-40% of shipment value. Please be apprised, that in such a scenario the customer/consignee will have to bear the cost of duty/taxes at port in India for return shipment plus the freight/re-shipping cost to respective destination country.
We urge you to inform us if you are not available after placing an order on our website for international as well as domestic orders. Please check our delivery timeline after you place an order on our website and if you are not available during that period kindly inform us on about the same so that we can delay your shipment and send it only after you are available. In case a shipment reaches you and you are not available and the shipping company returns the shipment to India, no cancellation or refund is possible. For re-shipping of the same shipment you will need to bear the cost of duty/tax at port in India plus the freight cost. In such a scenario there would also be a considerable delay involved.
In case, a customer refuses to bear the customs duty/tax charges at port in India for the return shipment, then the shipment will remain with Indian customs indefinitely and we will not be able to offer any further assistance on the same.
For shipping to India, we accept all major debit & credit cards (including Mastercard, Visa & American Express) and also provide Net Banking options across major banks. For all international transactions, we accept major Credit and Debit Cards (including Mastercard, Visa & American Express) and also provide the option to pay via PayPal directly at checkout on our website.
Please note orders once shipped cannot be cancelled.
Please note during Sale, return, exchange and refund will not be applicable. Exchange will be entertained only if product has a problem or defect.
Please note that our fulfilment timeline does not include unforeseen and not in our control delays, that is in the event of a natural disaster, war, calamity, fire or epidemic/pandemic, terrorist attack, floods, etc.… In such circumstances, your order will be processed and dispatched after our production and supply chains resume smoothly when any of the above events have passed. Please also note that in such an event, no cancellation or refund is possible.